What's New With Us
photos by Mark Gaynor
Once again, we are looking toward spring weather in the low country. At Wich Cream we are also moving forward. Unfortunately, that includes saying bon voyage to my business partner Peter Villagomez who has moved on with his fiancé to Arkansas. We wish him all the best. I have been at work in the kitchen adding to our flavor portfolio with the following tasty treats. I now have Butter Pecan and Lemon Custard, which I am putting on our new soft graham cookies (wich will be replacing the vanilla conmeal cookies on several other sammies) and a Chocolate Hazelnut on our chocolate butter brownie. We are also still spinning up pints and gallons for our clients who prefer scoops to sammies. We look forward to expanding our clientele in the future and hopefully you will be one of those enjoying our beautifully handcrafted ice creams in whichever format you choose.